AOBH Youth Group Care
For more than twenty years, Martin De Porres Youth & Family Services (MDP) has offered the only Specialized Residential Group Care Program for youth in Voluntary Foster Care placement in New York City. Our comprehensive individualized casework services connect each youth with community-based resources to encourage the development of community ties and a successful transition back home, or into adulthood. Our care model, the “trauma informed” Lasallian Culture of Care® emphasizes the building of healthy supportive relationships as a key ingredient in helping youth obtain self-sustainability. Through programs such as Preparing Youth for Adulthood (PYA) and our Mentoring for Success program, we customize our services according to each child’s needs, to better prepare them for a successful transition into adult life. In addition, our programs provide opportunities for youth to accelerate in school, receive career readiness training, obtain employment, receive one-on-one mentoring, financial literacy training and participate in community recreation activities. Our Specialized Voluntary Foster Care Residential Group Care Program is nationally accredited through the Council on Accreditation (COA) for Group Residential Care.