Juvenile Justice Reform 

Close to Home (CTH) Non-Secure Placement

Our Juvenile Justice program are Non-Secure Placement services under the Close to Home (CTH) umbrella which was signed into law in New York State in 2012. CTH provides an ideal platform for MDP to further its vison for juvenile justice reform, which includes helping to reduce the use of detention and placement, utilizing more community-based alternatives to incarceration, and lowering recidivism rates by providing the necessary interventions and services to youth who are vulnerable of going into the Juvenile justice system, and ultimately making our City even safer. Martin De Porres Youth and Family Services integrates Safe Crisis Management (SCM), Residential Childcare Services and our own “trauma informed” Lasallian Culture of Care® model, in our work with youth in placement. Youth spend, on average, 7 months in placement at our group homes. From the start of placement, we work with youth to identify strengths and encourage the nurturing of existing family and community ties to ensure a successful transition back to their home and community. Our programs provide opportunities for youth to accelerate in school, receive career readiness training, obtain employment, participate in community recreation activities, receive one-on- one mentoring and enhanced services to prepare youth for adulthood, among other things. Our Close to Home Non-Secure Placement Program is nationally accredited through the Council on Accreditation (COA) for Group Residential Care.